Business In Japan (BIJ) & Japan Australia IT (JAIT) | In person joint networking event
[IN-PERSON Networking Event] Friday June 30th 6:30pm to 9:00pm JST
At Code Chrysalis, Moto Azabu, Tokyo
Yes, Jason is in town anf this might be a good one to meet up with him!
Business In Japan (the BIJ Group on LinkedIn) and Japan Australia Information Technology (JAIT) are partnering together to host an in-person networking event!
Jason Ball, owner of BIJ, will be visiting Japan and although Ayumi Mizoshiri, founder of JAIT will be in Australia, Ayumi-san will provide some Pizza and drinks. Booth of us are keen to do a casual meetup, a joint networking event to connect GoodPeople interested in the IT community in Japan, and in Australia.
We're grateful to Code Chrysalis - Changing the way Asia trains software engineers - for hosting at their coding bootcamp space in Tokyo's Moto Azabu district, as well as thanks to Tohru and William for helping out with arrangements!
WHAT: Business In Japan & Japan Australia IT Collaboration Networking Event
WHEN: Friday, June 30, 2023, 6:30pm to 9:00pm
WHY: The purpose of this casual gathering is to network with and connect people involved in or interested in the IT industry in Japan and Australia. Everyone is welcome, whether you're already in the industry or simply curious.
VENUE: Code Chrysalis
ADDRESS: VORT Moto-Azabu B2, 3-1-35 Moto-Azabu, Tokyo, Japan 106-0046
GoogleMap Link:
REFRESHMENTS: Some drinks, snacks and Pizza included, BYO is also allowed
PRICE: Free, with help cleaning up a bit before you leave! :-)
RSVP: Please RSVP so we can plan for enough drinks, pizza or other food. Feel free to bring your own refreshments also (BYO is allowed, just help with clean up!):
I hope to see you there and look forward to connecting!
2023年6月30日06:30 ~ 2023年6月30日21:00
Business In Japan
項目 | 内容 |
場所 | コードクリサリス |
住所 | 〒106-0046 東京都港区元麻布3-1-35 VORT元麻布B2 コードクリサリス |
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- 渋谷・表参道周辺(集合場所:宇田川町ビルディング3階) (2.7km)
- MAMEHICO銀座 (3.9km)