
【英語版】無料Management 3.0 体験ワークショプ


Management 3.0 Free Mini Workshop -Well Being Game Center-
Experience the power of Gamification in Management
In this workshop, you will experience at least two practices from the Management 3.0 tool set.
Depending on your prefercence you can choose from a wide array of games and practices:
Moving Motivators
Delegation Poker
ImprovCards for Story Telling
Feedback Wrap
Change Management Game
and much more ...

Let's have fun and learn together.
You will be able to apply the practice in your context from tomorrow and improve your workplace for more engagement and happiness.

Management 3.0 is the future of management.
It follows the systems thinking movement that 95 percent of the performance of an organization is the result of the whole system, not the individual.
Management 3.0 examines how to analyze that system to come up with the right solutions for better leadership across organizations.
This hands-on workshop offers best practices, tools and games which you can take back and use immediately to improve your:

Performance management
Team and Company Performance
Remote working capability and efficency
Employee engagement
Self-organization and delegation
Team collaboration and project management
Feedback culture
Worker empowerment


16:00 - 16:15 Icebreak with the ImprovCards
16:10 - 16:30 Introduction to Management 3.0
16:30 - 17:20 Well-Being Gamecenter (the group chooses the game(s) to play)

For Whom is this Event

Those who are interested in learning more about gamification
Those who want to improve their leadership skills
Those who want to improve their team-work
Those who are interested in Management 3.0
Those who are facing a challenge and want to have feedback
Those who want to connect with likeminded change agents

Our Motivation
At NuWorks we value the relationships and connections we have with our ecosystem.
The event is not one-sided, but we aim to create a warm place where people can get to know each other.
We would be happy to welcome you and have a good time together.
Stefan Nüsperling (ステファン ニュースペリング )

Stefan is a trilingual (German, English, Japanese) IT Professional with over 10 years of experience in Project Leadership, Change Management, Facilitation and Management 3.0. He worked with multinational enterprises in the fields of Management as well as Agile Software Development in Japan, South Korea and Germany. As a certified Scrum Master, the first licensed Management 3.0 facilitator in Japan and a Co-Owner of Management 3.0 he is keen on introducing Agile Leadership practices to Japanese organizations and believes that it will make their employees happier, the businesses more effective and customers more satisfied which is called “Sanpoyoshi” (benefit for all three stakeholders).



Management 3.0 Website
Jurgen Appelo`s website (the inventor of Management 3.0
The latest Management 3.0 book
Managing for Happiness at Amazon.co.jp


2024年7月24日16:00 ~ 2024年7月24日17:30


Management 3.0 by NüWorks(ウェルビーイング・リーダーシップ、チェンジ・マネジメント、イノベーション・マネジメント)


住所150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前1丁目13-23 HRインスティテュート





近隣の場所 (直線距離)