Fuckup Nights Vol 26 - We prepare for glory by failing!
Volume 26 is coming !
FuckUp Nights Tokyo is back for Volume 26 at Berry Nakameguro (Just Another Agency)! Last time was a blast so we are already excited to be inspired by the next FuckUp stories about failure and the lessons learned from them!
About FuckUp Nights
FuckUp Nights is a global movement that started in Mexico in 2012 and has spread to 250+ cities in more than 80+ countries around the world. The concept of FuckUp Nights is simple: breaking away from the stigmas surrounding (business) ‘failure’. The lessons we can learn from failure are often more valuable and interesting than stories about success. The majority of startups and professionals don’t create ‘the project of year’ on their first attempt, yet we rarely hear about their failures in books, magazines or at events. FuckUp Nights wants to change that by organizing events where people are able to come together, network, share, learn and celebrate stories about business failure.
Why join FuckUp Nights Tokyo?
We would like to invite all (aspiring) entrepreneurs, freelancers and professionals who want to hear, share, discuss and celebrate stories about business failure. We offer you an opportunity to freely discuss the concept of failure, and learn from the experiences of others; all in a cozy and casual setting. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet new like-minded people and have a chance to share issues that you do usually not tend to discuss at other events.
The Fuck Up Nights Event Format
The format of every FuckUp Nights is simple: 3 or 4 people take the stage to share their FuckUp stories, followed by a Q&A, and ending with time to network. The presenters tell their story with their slides in 7 minutes. The stories are always structured in the following way:
1) What was your project?
2) What went wrong?
3) What did you learn?
4) What would you do differently?
Speakers TBD!
Speakers Wanted!
We are looking for speakers who would like to share their stories with our audience! Do you have a project that went down south, a business deal that fell through, or any other type of story you can share with us, please join us on stage! Speaker applications can be send through the following form: Tell us your FuckUp Story!
2023年1月25日19:00 ~ 2023年1月25日20:30
FuckUp Nights Tokyo
項目 | 内容 |
場所 | Berry's Nakameguro |
住所 | 〒153-0051 東京都目黒区上目黒1丁目3-9 藤屋ビル 4F |
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近隣の場所 (直線距離)
- 串屋松吉 (4.8km)
- 成瀬ヨーガグループ (3.2km)
- 社食エリア (1.9km)
- 東京都千代田区 サピアタワー内 ステーションカンファレンス東京 503-C 会議室 (7.5km)
- Spaces Shinagawa (4km)
- シエンプレ株式会社 (2km)
- 野田焼売店 紀尾井本店 (5.2km)
- 新宿御苑アート貸し会議室 (5km)
- 博多もつ処 煌梨 目黒店 (1.8km)
- ウルシステムズ株式会社 (7.5km)
- BLINK 六本木 (2.9km)
- Spaces Shinagawa (4km)
- 渋谷ヒカリエカンファレンス (1.6km)
- 株式会社サーバーワークス 東京オフィスANNEX (7.3km)
- xBridge-Kyobashi (7.1km)
- 渋谷・表参道周辺(集合場所:宇田川町ビルディング3階) (2km)
- MAMEHICO銀座 (6.7km)