Three Industries, Three Leaders - on Doing Business In Japan [Invitation Only]
"Three Industries, Three Leaders - on Doing Business In Japan."
Join us for an exclusive in-person event featuring three experts drawing on their considerable experience doing Business in Japan, to help you gain valuable insights into succeeding in the Japanese market.
A unique chance to network with global professionals, the event will take place on Monday, June 26th, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM JST, WeWork [Location provided to Invited guests].
The doors open at 5:30 PM!
The speakers are:
Bela Schweiger, the former VP and Board Director of Haagen-Dazs Japan Joint Venture and General Manager for General Mills brands, will discuss "Consumer Packaged Goods and Japan Market Entry" Bela will share his experience leading business in Japan, including revitalizing Haagen-Dazs Japan, achieving significant growth in the FMCG and retail market, and navigating cultural and operational challenges.
Andrew Schwabecher, the CEO of Japan Computer Vision Corp, will talk about "Technology Business & Japan." As an expert in cloud technology Businesses and joint ventures, Andrew will share his knowledge on entering and succeeding in the Japanese market, emphasizing cloud, cybersecurity, and technological advancements.
Antti Sonninen, recently launched, is fouunder and key organiser of Takeoff Tokyo. He is former Head of SLUSH Tokyo, will shed light on "Japan's New Generation of Startups." With strong experience in working with startups and contributing to the growth of Japan's startup ecosystem, Antti will discuss the latest trends, opportunities, and the future outlook for startups, tech innovation, and venture capital in Japan.
This event provides a unique opportunity to network and learn from leaders and experts who have firsthand experience in Japan's business landscape. Light snacks, along with beer, water, coffee, and tea, will be provided during the event. Please note that space is limited due to the exclusive nature of the event.
To RSVP for this event, please visit the following link: We kindly request that you only RSVP if you are certain of attending to allow others the opportunity to participate.
-------------------- Event Summary -------------------
WHAT: Three Industries, Three Leaders - on Doing Business In Japan
WHEN: Monday, June 26th, 18:00 until 20.30, doors open at 17:30
WHERE: (Tokyo - provided to BIJ Members who RSVP)
REFRESHMENTS: Beer, Water, Coffee, Tea and light snacks provided
COST: covered for BIJ members, and invited guests
(PLEASE don't RSVP... then not show up!)
This Event is proudly supported by Japan Computer Vision and WeWork Japan.
Connect with:
Visit the Business In Japan website to contact the growing, trusted BIJ Partner Network.
And if not yet registered for BIJ Events or this was forwarded to you, you can register here: BIJ@DOORKEEPER(
2023年6月26日18:00 ~ 2023年6月26日20:30
Business In Japan
項目 | 内容 |
場所 | WeWork 東京 |
住所 | 東京 |
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近隣の場所 (直線距離)
- 串屋松吉 (3.7km)
- 東京都千代田区 サピアタワー内 ステーションカンファレンス東京 503-C 会議室 (4.3km)
- シエンプレ株式会社 (5.9km)
- 野田焼売店 紀尾井本店 (3.3km)
- 新宿御苑アート貸し会議室 (2.8km)
- ウルシステムズ株式会社 (7.4km)
- BLINK 六本木 (5.6km)
- 渋谷ヒカリエカンファレンス (6.2km)
- 株式会社サーバーワークス 東京オフィスANNEX (1.3km)
- xBridge-Kyobashi (5.1km)
- 渋谷・表参道周辺(集合場所:宇田川町ビルディング3階) (6km)
- MAMEHICO銀座 (4.9km)
- TKP東京駅カンファレンスセンター 8階 ホール8A (4.6km)
- コワーキング - コワーキングスペース茅場町 Co-Edo (5.7km)
- カナダ大使館 (4km)
- 東京都港区赤坂7-3-38 (3.9km)
- クラスメソッド株式会社 日比谷オフィス26階 カフェスペース (4.7km)